Stats are the key to making units effective in battle. They are 1/3rd of the Unit Combo, Stats, Experiance, Equipment. This Topic is an Indepth look into why people pick the stats they do and how they effect the units. I will go down from Tactics to Mech Apts, then finally how they come together and the conclusion.
The Ideal of getting more units is more Damage,Health,Armor, more things to do stuff with. People have two main idealism's with Tactics.
Low ammounts of Tactics allows for Stronger units, more Damage,Health,Armor,Faster,Etc. for reach unit. Others think with 10-12 units that the numbers will trade off for the lower unit quallity. The big debate about Quallity over Quanity.
Now adays 6 units just do not do enough damage, even with the most powerful weapons. That is why between 8 units and 10 units is the most useful number's for Tactics for those who want Quallity or Quanity and still have 40more or 35less points, which is still a very good trade for the 2more/less units. The more Reincs you will have, the more you can spend towards other things and tactics giving more units and still hold the quallity.
Clout gives Unit Space,Speed,Hp,Arm,ViewRange. It gives so much health and armor to some units that it is the Center of the Clouter's Stats. By hunters clout is only used as a way to make their units live longer or go faster to get them kills they need, for Poccers it is the life energy to the units they use. All of the Heavy Armor and health equipment can only be used by high clout stats. Tacters mainly use the first 2 stats, while Clouters use the last 2 and hybrids use all over the middle.
022=TL 071
042=TL 081
062=TL 091
082=TL 101
102=TL 111
120=TL 120
Educations allows you to equip everything and anything on your units. Clouters use between 006-062 Education, that way they can spend more points on Clout+Tact. For Tacters the TL is between 082-102 because of the lack of points to get 120 in ED till later reincs. The most common ED levels is 042,082,102,120. Because of the high damage and such on the higher techlevel's Education has developed its own build like Clout. this stats are based around 102-120 Education 40+tactics and lots of MA.
---Mech Apts---
Mech Apts does not have a destinct number, between 20-50 is best. There is the build for MA, but because it is so weak, no one uses it offically. rest,120,rest,120 is however an efficaint Infill drop set, since Miasam+Miasamal is the strongest units in the game. Mech Apts gives your units weight to put on heavier equipment, this is immportant for most units.
---Basic Stats---
These are the basic stat outlines for low reinc and no reinc people, and people who reinced too.
two outlines for Tacters, 1 tact+clout and the other tact+education because both are different.
The variable in each stat devision shows the min/max of what you are likely to see for each area. Almost Everyone on MP has stats withen one of these ranges when maxed.
---Advanced Stats---
These are the specail stats, Tact+Clouter, Tact+Eduer,Ma+Clout/Education. Almost all the rest of the people who play on MP have these stats. Because of Reincarnations people can Load up on tactics and don't lose unit quallity. a lot of high reinc'ers use the Advanced Clouter and Eduer. Only one or two people use the Advanced MA stats for infill drop.
---How much a few stat points affect units---
Tactics-The set gets a full unit's more of hp,arm,damage. and gives HP to units for each tact point.
Clout-Almost every even clout number
(2,4,6,8,10 all give 1-6units a mk) raises a unit's MK giving more hp+arm+space+speed+view.
Education-works on a system like tactics, but there are bonus's like armor+etc. between the 20 stat points, and increases alien techlevel.
Mech Apts-A lot of the time, you only need a small ammount of MA to equip better armor,senser,etc.
Slso increases alien techlevel.
With stats today the best way to go is decide if you want to go Poccer or Fragger. Then you get 120Tactics and load up on Education or Clout and then use MA to fill up all the rest of the points you have
120tactics,82-120clout,42education,all the rest to ma.
-120tactics gives
Joreas+12units worth of poccing Health and Armor
-82/120clout gives
Level3 orgs+All high end mk's/evo's+space for 108armored armor
-42education gives
ballistic levis+phasic biodrive+TL 081 weapons
-Rest ma
To load better drive/engine+armor+a weapon+phasic gen/drive/armor.
120tactics,24/26 or less Clout,82-120Education,rest ma.
12 units that can deal damage, so faster killing.
-5/24 clout
mk6 base units+enough to make units live alittle longer to frag and faster to get to kills.
you dont need 20k hunters to kill the units you need too
-82/120 education
high TL weapons for more kills,high TL everything which is mainly lighter on weight so you can fit more.
-Rest MA
a lot of stats will go here so you can equip best weapon+senser+stock+booster/etc.